Alessandra Mileo

Though I know who I'm not, I still don't know who I am.
Alanis Morissette

13 April 2006

The Potsdam Experience, November 2005

The most exciting experience, really! It gave me a reason to go on with my job objectives, and I consider that period as the most precious one, both professionally and personally.

I worked a lot there, but there was always some time to party in the evening, and have a good german beer! Here we are, in one of the pubs we went to in Berlin.
From left to right: Fabio, Torsten, me and Martin (aren't we a nice crowd? :-)

Dagstuhl 2005

I loved Dagstuhl soooo much that I had to do it again ;-)
Dagstuhl 2005 seminar was much more interesting than the previous one. Maybe this was due to the fact that I started approaching billiard, and I played the wonderful white piano in the music hall ;-)

Dagstuhl 2004

The elegant Schloss Dagstuhl was right in the middle of nowhere, but the one-week seminar I attended to in 2004 has been my first attempt to get closer to research (and to researchers...).

In fact I met Davy there, a good friend and excellent collegue. Here we are sitting on the top of a hill with Brent, during the wine-excursion.
But the 2004 Dagstuhl seminar was not only wine and work :-)

In fact we also spent evenings playing music and singing and doing karaoke live!
I have to mention Nic Wilson and his guitar. I promised him a collection of my music but I hope he forgot about it, cause I have not sent it yet :-p
Hey, don't despair Nic. I'll do that sooner or later ;-)

12 April 2006

More than research

Well, during my PhD studies I went a bit around, I've seen places and met friends I'll never forget. So I decided to put some picture of them on my blog.
Everything started in 2003...

ASP 2003 - Messina - Italy

Can you see those three figures? Well, that's me, Marina and Martin walking on the Etna. The white house (or rather white roof) has been completely buryed in 2001, during the last eruption of the volcano... very impressive...

During ASP I also give my first talk, and I was soooo nervous... But finally everything went fine (at least I hope... Hey, any comment about that?? ;-p

And yes, I had a strange hair style, it was one of the consequences of my holidays in Kenya: two girls working for 6 hours, more than 1 mile of artificial hair, and 2 days with a terrible headache, but the result was worthwhile :-)

11 April 2006

My Blog is back!

I should have started writing on this blog a few months ago, but well... it's never too late, is it? :-)
Please add any comments to this blog, cause all of you could make it much more precious to me.
I'll start by announcing that i finally got my PhD in March 2006! It's been a long and winding road but I managed reaching the end, which is rather a new beginning, a sort of re-birth, and I'm going to discover the real world now... Aren't you afraid of that? ;-)